Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
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Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
District Profile
Representation ID: 1653
Received: 24/04/2024
Respondent: The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan Group
Incorrect term, instead use the term The Deepings – Total population 14,075. Market Deeping (quoted here, Population 6819) is one of two parishes in The Deepings. The other is Deeping St James (2021 Population:7256).
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
2041 Vision for South Kesteven
Representation ID: 1654
Received: 24/04/2024
Respondent: The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan Group
Refers to expansion east and west of the town. We have objected to expansion to the west of the town (Millfield), so if agreed then this para. needs to alter. Add text from the DNP vision, important as it reflects the design and gateway focus of the DNP: ‘’By 2041, Market Deeping and Deeping St James will have grown as a vibrant community embracing local characteristics and will have:
• established those aspects of character that contribute towards local distinctiveness
• secured new development that makes a positive contribution to local character;
• supported good design recognising it is inseparable from good planning and place making;
• achieved attractive and recognisable important gateways into the settlement offering a sense of arrival and connection to the countryside”.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
SD1: The Principles of Sustainable Development in South Kesteven
Representation ID: 1655
Received: 24/04/2024
Respondent: The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan Group
We welcome the Focus on net zero.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
SP2: Settlement HierarchyIn
Representation ID: 1656
Received: 24/04/2024
Respondent: The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan Group
Capitalisation of The Deepings
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
SP4: New Residential Development on the Edge of Settlements
Representation ID: 1657
Received: 24/04/2024
Respondent: The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan Group
Correct paragraph lettering for
“ adjacent to the existing pattern of development for the area, or adjacent to developed site allocations as identified in the development plan;” Delete second line (…adjacent to developed site allocations…) as sites next to site allocations should also be clear allocations. This logic might otherwise allow for outward expansion from an undeveloped site rathe than the present built up area.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
H1: Housing AllocationsThe
Representation ID: 1658
Received: 24/04/2024
Respondent: The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan Group
Support for all sites except SKPR-144 Land to the west of Millfield Road (200 units).
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
SKPR-144 Land to the West of Millfield Road
Representation ID: 1659
Received: 24/04/2024
Respondent: The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan Group
Reasons for objection to SKPR-144 is the absence of popular support (as required by SP4a.), and the ready availability of an acceptable alternative site (in the Housing Land Availability Study but not yet allocated) at Land North of Spalding Road, SKPR-248)
Concerns regarding: Deficiency of open space in The Deepings as identified in the Open Space and Recreation Study 2023. Site assessment has flagged surface water flooding and minerals and waste policy as a major constraint. Site does not provide ready or easy access to public transport network or amenities. Millfield Road is currently subject to a Quiet Lane Status designation.
Sites already allocated within the current Local Plan have yet to be developed and the alternative sites available would indicate that this allocation is not in fact required at this stage. Contrary to policies SP4, DNP12, SP3, EN1.
Deepings Green Walk reference at g. welcomed
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
Policy E2 - Other Employment Sites
Representation ID: 1660
Received: 24/04/2024
Respondent: The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan Group
Support for all Employment sites in Deepings
Northfields SKPR-284 (DEP-SE1)
PB Road SKPR-55 (DEP-E1)
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
Policy E4 - Protecting Employment Generating Sites
Representation ID: 1661
Received: 24/04/2024
Respondent: The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan Group
Support for EMP-D3 (Northfields) and EMP2 (Hards Lane)
Note for EMP2 undecided at 30.3.24 application on adjacent site to west was supported in principle by DSJ Parish Council for employment development . [see planning S23/0401, Proposed industrial park. Land Off Hards Lane Frognall Lincolnshire PE6 8RP]. If approved then this would support extension of the industrial area westward to fill a gap.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
Policy E6 – Loss of Employment Land and Buildings to Non-Employment Uses
Representation ID: 1662
Received: 24/04/2024
Respondent: The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan Group
2nd line incorrectly refers to the ‘City’