Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

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Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

SKPR-62 – The Grantham Church High School Playing Fields, Queensway

Representation ID: 2074

Received: 22/04/2024

Respondent: Lincolnshire County Council

Agent: Robert Doughty Consultancy

Representation Summary:

The site capacity should be reduced to 40 dwelllings to take account of the challenging shape of the site. Any development will be expected to integrate with surrounding environment and ongoing development under RM S22/1928.
Land should be classified as Land predominantly in urban use. Any development proposal would incorporate a new positive drainage system that would address any surface water drainage issues.
Principles A, B and C - public access to the south is slightly more problematic and connections to the wider area are subject to certain challenges.
Principle E – indicated the site is within an area of ‘Green Infrastructure’ it is not clear how areas of GI have been identified or defined. SKPR-62 should not be designated in this way.
Remove principle E as it is redundant after the BNG regulations came into force. The development would be expected t contributed Open Space and the reference to the GI does not add any clarity.
Support the allocation but object to the detailed comments set out above.



Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

SKPR-61 and SKPR-103 – Former Aveland School, and Land to the West of Pointon Road

Representation ID: 2228

Received: 19/04/2024

Respondent: Lincolnshire County Council

Agent: Robert Doughty Consultancy

Representation Summary:

We Support the allocation of SKPR-61 but Object to the detailed comments set out above until and unless they can be properly justified and consulted on publicly.

Unless there is evidence of an absolute need for a joint development, Principle A should be deleted or amended to allow a more flexible approach to development.

Principle C requires connections to the allotments to the north of the site (they are actually to the south – this should be corrected). Principle C should confirm the allotments, including the access from Birthorpe Road, were provided under the outline consent for the redevelopment of SKPR- 61.

Please provide clarity on the term “good use” and confirm SKPR-61 is only dependent on access to Birthorpe Road.

Principle F should be amended to confirm the hedgerows do not impact on SKPR-61.

Principle G should be removed as it is redundant after the Biodiversity Net Gain Regulations came into force in February 2024.

The map of Green Infrastructure Areas has not been justified. Principle H should be deleted or confirmation given that it does not apply to the allocation SKPR-61.


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