Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
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Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
SD1: The Principles of Sustainable Development in South Kesteven
Representation ID: 2076
Received: 23/04/2024
Respondent: The Crown Estate
Agent: Savills
Draft Policy SD1 is supported which states that ‘development proposals in South Kesteven will be expected to mitigate against the impacts of climate change and contribute towards creating a strong, stable and more diverse economy’ and includes various criteria that ‘development proposals shall consider how they can proactively minimise’. It is considered that the policy wording used accords with paragraph 35 (d) of the National Planning Policy Framework (‘NPPF’) which states that ‘plans are ‘sound’ if they are: Consistent with national policy – enabling the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in this Framework and other statements of national planning policy, where relevant’.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
SP1: Spatial Strategy
Representation ID: 2077
Received: 23/04/2024
Respondent: The Crown Estate
Agent: Savills
TCE supports the proposed Spatial Strategy and the allocation of the Site SKPR-61 and SKPR-103. The proposed allocation of TCE’s land accords with the objectives of the Spatial Strategy for Larger Villages, like Billingborough, to meet its future housing needs as well as the District. The policy states that ‘development should provide a scale and mix of housing types to meet the identified need for South Kesteven (as informed by the Local Housing Needs Assessment)’. Although the LHNA plays a very important role in calculating the potential local housing need, this is District wide. The policy should be broadened out so that reference is also be made to the proposed mix of housing being determined by the local market conditions and demand at the time of a planning application. This will ensure that the policy is underpinned by both up-to-date LHNA evidence and local market signals (NPPF Paragraph 31).
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
SP2: Settlement HierarchyIn
Representation ID: 2078
Received: 23/04/2024
Respondent: The Crown Estate
Agent: Savills
TCE supports Billingborough being identified as a Larger Village. Paragraph 8.4 of the draft plan states that ‘the Larger Villages are the most sustainable villages in the District and as such they will be the focus for development outside of Grantham, Stamford, Bourne and the Deepings’. We support housing growth being directed to Billingborough which is also identified in the Council’s evidence base as being the most sustainable Larger Village in the District (Settlement Hierarchy Review February 2024).
TCE are supportive of the proposed allocation of Site SKPR-61 and SKPR-103. The submitted Transport and Highways Technical Note (Table 4.1) by TTC demonstrates that the Site is within a 10 minute walking distance (less than 800m) to a range of shops, services and facilities within the Billingborough. It is therefore considered that the Site is in a sustainable and accessible location adjacent to the most sustainable Larger Village in the District.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
SP4: New Residential Development on the Edge of Settlements
Representation ID: 2079
Received: 23/04/2024
Respondent: The Crown Estate
Agent: Savills
Policy SP4 states that ‘proposals for new residential development… will be supported provided that the essential criteria a-d are met. The proposal must a. demonstrate clear evidence of substantial support from the local community’. The NPPF outlines the importance of pre-submission engagement with the community (paragraphs 39-46). TCE proposals will be carefully curated with the community and local stakeholders through pre-submission engagement to ensure excellent integration of new homes with the existing highways and green infrastructure to maintain the area’s local and historic character and livability. TCE will work with SKDC and Billingborough Parish Council to develop a community consultation and engagement strategy for any future application on Site SKPR-103.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
SKPR-61 and SKPR-103 – Former Aveland School, and Land to the West of Pointon Road
Representation ID: 2080
Received: 23/04/2024
Respondent: The Crown Estate
Agent: Savills
TCE supports the allocation of Site SKPR-61 and SKPR-103 for residential development.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
H2: Affordable Housing Contributions
Representation ID: 2081
Received: 23/04/2024
Respondent: The Crown Estate
Agent: Savills
Policy H2 requires that ‘all development comprising 10 or more dwellings (or an area of 0.5ha or more) should make provision for 27-57% depending on the outcome of the Whole Plan Viability Assessment’. TCE support the provision of policy compliant affordable housing on draft allocation SKPR-61 and SKPR-103.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
NEW POLICY 4: Biodiversity Opportunity and Delivering Measurable Net Gains
Representation ID: 2082
Received: 23/04/2024
Respondent: The Crown Estate
Agent: Savills
TCE support the principle objectives of New Policy 4.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
DE1: Promoting Good Quality Design
Representation ID: 2083
Received: 23/04/2024
Respondent: The Crown Estate
Agent: Savills
TCE support the principle of Policy DE1.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
SB1: Sustainable Building
Representation ID: 2084
Received: 23/04/2024
Respondent: The Crown Estate
Agent: Savills
Policy SB1 states that ‘all development proposals will be expected to mitigate against and adapt to climate change, to comply with national and contribute to local targets on reducing carbon emissions and energy uses…’. TCE supports the principle of Policy SB1.