Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
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Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
H1: Housing AllocationsThe
Representation ID: 2212
Received: 24/04/2024
Respondent: Mrs Mandy Potter, Mrs Teresa Crabb, Mrs T Richards and Mr D Bates
Agent: Robert Doughty Consultancy
We Object to the failure to re-open the Call for Land for wider development opportunities as part of a Regulation 18 consultation due to the fact site information is becoming increasingly out of date. The site assessment exercise should be revisited to take into account key changes in national policy, including the requirement to provide BNG on site. Failure to update the information and to assess new sites such as our client’s land at Walcot Lane/West Street, risks undermining the soundness of the plan which will not “take [into] account the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence”.
The site is preferable to the only site assessed in Folkingham (SKPR- 151).
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
NEW POLICY 4: Biodiversity Opportunity and Delivering Measurable Net Gains
Representation ID: 2213
Received: 24/04/2024
Respondent: Mrs Mandy Potter, Mrs Teresa Crabb, Mrs T Richards and Mr D Bates
Agent: Robert Doughty Consultancy
We Object to the use of the Biodiversity Opportunity and Green Infrastructure Maps as the basis for operating policies until:
- The assessment used to justify designation of specific land as biodiversity opportunity areas is published and is subject to consultation with the public, the development industry, and, significantly, the current owners and users of the land.
- Appendix 1 should be reworded to provide an explanation, rather than act as an additional policy.
We Object to the inclusion of Policy 4 unless the mapping exercise that underpins the operation of the policy can be robustly justified through a rigorous public consultation exercise. Clarity should also be provided on the focus for delivery of offsite BNG.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
NEW POLICY 2: Best and Most Versatile Agricultural Land
Representation ID: 2214
Received: 24/04/2024
Respondent: Mrs Mandy Potter, Mrs Teresa Crabb, Mrs T Richards and Mr D Bates
Agent: Robert Doughty Consultancy
We Object to the inclusion of New Policy 2 unless:
- The introduction of an alternative trigger point for the production of Agricultural Land Classification reports to that set out in national regulation can be justified.
- The policy is reworded to remove the requirement to provide Agricultural Land Classification Assessments for sites allocated through the Local Plan process.
- The requirement to return land to agricultural use upon the cessation of development is removed.