Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

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Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

SKPR-278 (GR3-H1): Spitalgate Heath - Garden Village (Mixed Use Allocation)

Representation ID: 2448

Received: 25/04/2024

Respondent: Mulberry Land and the Machin Family

Agent: Mulberry Strategic Land

Representation Summary:

It is unclear from the amendments presented and evidence base as to what has led to the policy changes for this site in including 110,000 m2 of employment land. It is noted that the quantum of units anticipated to be constructed remains the same at 3,700 dwellings however delivery in the plan period has dropped significantly 1,350 from 2,150, despite the extended plan period by 5 years.

It is unclear as to how complementary the employment land as part of this allocation will be to achieving the Garden Village principles set in the context of the SKPR 286 Grantham Southern Gateway. If the inclusion of the employment land is reducing the scope for residential properties or limiting delivery in the short-term changes should be resisted where the Garden Village should focus on maximising the residential benefits and remove pressures on allocating additional sites within the Town which have less beneficial transport options.



Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

ID2: Transport and Strategic Transport Infrastructure

Representation ID: 2449

Received: 25/04/2024

Respondent: Mulberry Land and the Machin Family

Agent: Mulberry Strategic Land

Representation Summary:

A review of the existing provision for Lorry Parks, and parking has identified that the A1 does have existing provisions for such facilities, however there is very limited lorry parking available within and around Grantham.

Land at Oakdale Farm (ref: SKPR-182) is allocated for employment purposes, which we fully support. Given the scale of the land and the relationship with both the local and strategic road network the site is uniquely placed to provide a new Lorry Park. The indicative masterplan has identified the necessary land which would provide around 150 spaces however there is significant opportunity to increase this scale. Such facilities are becoming more important when it comes to attracting investors and operators away from more established routes such as the M1 which is much more mature as a market and has greater number of trucks tops.


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