Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

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Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

SKPR-120 Land at the East of Stamford Road

Representation ID: 2545

Received: 22/04/2024

Respondent: Colsterworth & District Parish

Representation Summary:

Strongly object to the land allocation of SKPR-120 and suggest alternative considerations. More suitable allocation which CADPC believe should be reconsidered i.e SKPR-237 which should also include adjacent land off Bridge End, Colsterworth which had previous planning permission (S13/1931).
Most importantly any development will have a detrimental impact on existing infrastructure which is already at capacity in terms of education, healthcare, water and sewage, road networks, communications, community hubs and the already limited amenities and services.
Objection also reflects concerns regarding the longer-term plan for SKPR-232.

SKDC must re-consider these allocations as any development on land east of Stamford Road (SKPR-120 and SKPR-232) requires a “masterplan” to effectively create a whole new village requiring its own infrastructure and facilities which is not in the proposed allocation policy.



Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

Developer Contributions

Representation ID: 2546

Received: 22/04/2024

Respondent: Colsterworth & District Parish

Representation Summary:

CADPC are aware that any S.106/CIL needs to be properly costed and put forward and would request early involvement in any further development. CADPC are also aware that it can be several years before public services meet the trigger points within any S106 agreement potentially leaving a community depleted/without services until these have been implemented.

CADPC would expect to be included in discussions regarding a robust infrastructure upgrade plan which are essential for any future developments that could increase the population of the Parish, such as:
• Lack of current capacity at the Primary School
• Lack of current capacity at the GP Practice and associated healthcare services
• No permanent Post Office
• Loss of Police/Community Office and no Community Policing
• Sewage and Water provision including flooding and drainage
• Communication – internet facilities at peak times
• Play/Open Spaces
• Community Hub


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