Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
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Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
Existing and Proposed Housing Supply
Representation ID: 2547
Received: 16/04/2024
Respondent: F.H Gilman & Co in Administration
Agent: Lambert Smith Hampton
The proposed distribution of housing development, as set out within the Draft Local Plan, shifts housing development from the largest and most sustainable settlements to smaller and less sustainable settlements in rural locations. It does not represent the most sustainable pattern of development for South Kesteven District and, therefore, does not accord with the presumption in favour of sustainable development as set out at paragraph 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework (December 2023).
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
H1: Housing AllocationsThe
Representation ID: 2548
Received: 16/04/2024
Respondent: F.H Gilman & Co in Administration
Agent: Lambert Smith Hampton
Site SKPR-93 is a more suitable and sustainable site for residential development than several other newly allocated sites within the Draft Local Plan.
The findings of the Site Assessment Report (2024) are inaccurate insofar as they relate to Site SKPR-93. Our review of Site SKPR-93 alongside the newly allocated sites in the Draft Local Plan clearly demonstrates that it is a more suitable and sustainable location for development than several other allocated sites.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
E2: Employment
Representation ID: 2549
Received: 16/04/2024
Respondent: F.H Gilman & Co in Administration
Agent: Lambert Smith Hampton
Site SKPR288 should be reallocated from employment to residential development. It is highly unlikely that the site will come forward for employment purposes in the plan period and the Employment Land Study (2023) does not provide any robust evidence to suggest otherwise.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
SKPR-282 (STM1- H2): Stamford East
Representation ID: 2550
Received: 16/04/2024
Respondent: F.H Gilman & Co in Administration
Agent: Lambert Smith Hampton
Policy STM1.H2 should be amended to remove reference to the requirement of a comprehensive masterplan as this is no longer applicable or justifiable following the grant of planning permission ref: S22/210.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
Call for Sites
Representation ID: 2551
Received: 16/04/2024
Respondent: F.H Gilman & Co in Administration
Agent: Lambert Smith Hampton
The assessment criteria of the Site Assessment Report should be amended to distinguish between sites that are in proximity to the wide range of shops, services, facilities and public transport, and those that are only served by limited shops and services in rural locations.