Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

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Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

SP5: Development Outside of Settlements

Representation ID: 2295

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: Central Lincolnshire Local Plan team

Representation Summary:

SP5, we wondered if the gypsy and traveller sites should have been listed as bullet e).


Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

H2: Affordable Housing Contributions

Representation ID: 2296

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: Central Lincolnshire Local Plan team

Representation Summary:

H2, although it is in the affordable housing policy, should the 1st sentence say 27-57% affordable housing? And under bullet point d) … affordability… the area… Is there a word missing?


Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

Employment Policies

Representation ID: 2297

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: Central Lincolnshire Local Plan team

Representation Summary:

Para 9.29, is the ‘the’ an extra word in the second sentence, “…supports the one…”?


Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

E1: SKPR 286 (GR-SE1) - Grantham Southern Gateway Strategy Employment Opportunity (118.19 hectares)

Representation ID: 2298

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: Central Lincolnshire Local Plan team

Representation Summary:

E1, is there an extra word in the first sentence, “…of for…”?


Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

E2: Employment

Representation ID: 2299

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: Central Lincolnshire Local Plan team

Representation Summary:

Para 9.31, is there a word missing in the last sentence?
Para 9.34, “…taking into account of…” It is suggested that either into or of be removed.


Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

E4: Protection of Existing

Representation ID: 2300

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: Central Lincolnshire Local Plan team

Representation Summary:

Para 9.36, last sentence, “… provided locally important employment.”


Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

Open Space, Sport and Recreation

Representation ID: 2301

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: Central Lincolnshire Local Plan team

Representation Summary:

Para 11.22, first sentence, “...was to assess at the overall…” and the last sentence, “…on each ‘sub-area’ be found within…”. Should there be another word between ‘sub-area’ and be or should the word ‘be’ be replaced with ‘is’?

Para 11.23, there appears to be an extra word after the date… Open Space, Sport and Recreation Study (2023) to).]


Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

Policy OS1: Open Space and Recreation

Representation ID: 2302

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: Central Lincolnshire Local Plan team

Representation Summary:

Para 11.30, first sentence, is there a word missing? “type of open space, based population figures…” should there be an ‘on’ after ‘based’?
OS1, first sentence, there is a * after “…adequate open space…” but no footnote. Is the symbol an error or should there be a footnote?


Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

GR3: Grantham Allocations

Representation ID: 2303

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: Central Lincolnshire Local Plan team

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 12.21, Spitalgate Hea(l)th Garden Village.

Paragraph 12.22, last sentence, think an ‘as’ is missing between ‘role’ and ‘a’.


Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

GR4: Grantham Town Centre Policy

Representation ID: 2304

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: Central Lincolnshire Local Plan team

Representation Summary:

GR4: Grantham Town Centre Policy, first sentence under Town Centre Boundary “…proposals for E-uses classes (space needed) and appropriate residential development on upper floors (wondered if ‘will be supported’ is missing from here), provided that the use…”

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