Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

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Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

SKPR-280 (GR3-H3): Rectory Farm (Phase 3)

Representation ID: 2320

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

The allocation sits immediately adjacent to the north-east quadrant of the A1/A52 Barrowby junction. The Strategic Transport Assessment supporting the Plan should identify the cumulative traffic impacts of growth on the A1/A52 junction in particular. Consideration may need to be given to how this allocation might affect the longer-term ability to deliver future highways improvements given that the site abuts the junction. In addition, as the site sits adjacent to the A1 trunk road, proposals will be considered in relation to any potential boundary impacts for instance drainage and geotechnical matters. Planning applications would also need to be accompanied by assessments which consider noise and air quality impacts from the adjacent A1 trunk road.

Our comments for Rectory Farm Phase 3 are the broadly the same as those for Rectory Farm Phase 2 although we note that the need for a Masterplan has already been identified under policy point a. We also welcome policy point m which sets out that the impacts on the SRN must be identified and mitigated.
It is also noted that this allocation shares a common boundary with the SRN and whilst we have no objections in principle to this allocation, planning applications will need to demonstrate their impact on National Highways network and assets, and where necessary, provide appropriate mitigation.



Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

SKPR-266 – Stamford Gateway (Exeter Fields)

Representation ID: 2321

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

As the site sits immediately adjacent to the southeast quadrant of the A1/A606 junction, consideration should be made as above. (see comments to SKPR-280).

We have no other specific comments to make on housing allocations which do not share a boundary with the SRN, however, please see our later comments with respect of the transport evidence base and other policies.



Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

E1: SKPR 286 (GR-SE1) - Grantham Southern Gateway Strategy Employment Opportunity (118.19 hectares)

Representation ID: 2322

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

Policy E1 of the draft Local Plan allocates 118.19 hectares for a strategic employment site referred to as Grantham Southern Gateway (Ref SKPR 286). The allocation straddles the A1 trunk road at the Spittlegate interchange which opened to traffic in December 2022. Although the dumbbell junction itself is the responsibility of Lincolnshire County Council, the slip roads and A1 mainline are the responsibility of National Highways. As such, whilst we have no objection in principle to this allocation, the Strategic Transport Assessment supporting this Local Plan should identify the cumulative traffic impacts of Plan growth on the Spittlegate junction. Consideration may need to be given to how this allocation might affect the longer-term ability to deliver future highways improvements given that the site abuts the junction.

Policy E1 sets out the requirements for the Grantham Southern Gateway development which is expected to deliver 118.19 hectares of employment land.
In respect of this policy, we would welcome the inclusion of a policy point similar to point a. of GR3-H1 (Spitalgate Heath) which sets out that incremental full applications will not be accepted and that an Outline or Hybrid application will be necessary for the whole site. National Highways considers this will be necessary to identify the cumulative traffic and transport implications of the site and the highways infrastructure necessary to accommodate it. We welcome point f. of this policy which acknowledges that mitigation to the SRN may be required.



Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

E2: Employment

Representation ID: 2323

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

SKPR262 – Long Bennington Employment Site - We note a proposed employment allocation (Land at Valley Lane) immediately to the west of the A1 Long Bennington junction. To access the site, motorists travelling south on the A1 would have to travel through Long Bennington. Lincolnshire County Council as the local highway authority may wish to provide further comments in that regard, but National Highways would question whether this constitutes sustainable development. It should further be noted that a new access directly from the A1 would be contrary to DfT Circular 01/2022 and would not be permitted.

SKPR202; SKPR100; SKPR182 – Gonerby Moor - Whilst we don’t have any objections in principle to these allocations, it should be noted that the section of the A1 between Gonerby Moor and Long Benington suffers from existing delay and safety issues.

National Highways does not have any planned improvements for this location, but it has been identified as an area for further investigation in our Route Strategies.
The Strategic Transport Assessment should ultimately identify the impacts on SRN junctions and the highways infrastructure needed to support Local Plan growth. It is however likely that infrastructure improvements at Long Bennington and Gonerby Moor junctions will be required and therefore our previous comment about allocations immediately adjacent to SRN junctions should therefore be noted.
We have no other specific comments to make on employment allocations which do not share a boundary with the SRN, however, please see the below comments with respect of the transport evidence base and our later comments with respect of specific policies.



Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan


Representation ID: 2324

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

Transport Evidence Base - National Highways will expect this process to explore all options to reduce a reliance on the SRN for local journeys including a reduction in the need to travel and integrating land use considerations with the need to maximise opportunities for walking, wheeling, cycling, public transport and shared travel.

A robust evidence base will be required, including demand forecasting models, which inform analysis of alternatives by accounting for the effects of possible mitigation scenarios that shift demand into less carbon-intensive forms of travel.

Understanding the impact at the below locations will be of particular interest to National Highways:
- A1/A52 Barrowby Junction
- A1 Spittalgate Junction
- A1/A606 & A1/A6121 Stamford
- A1 Gonerby Moor & Long Bennington junctions



Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

Chapter 13 – Infrastructure and Developer Contributions

Representation ID: 2325

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

As per Dft Policy 01/2022 paragraph 34, the transport evidence should provide a means of demonstrating to the examining inspector that planned growth is deliverable, and that the funding, partners and relevant processes are in place to enable the delivery of infrastructure; or that there is a realistic prospect that longer term investment can be secured within the timescales envisaged.
As such, following the completion of the Strategic Transport Assessment, any highways infrastructure necessary to support Local Plan growth should be set out in an Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP). This should identify what, when, where and how/by whom infrastructure is required, as well as estimated costs and funding sources.
With regards funding, please see our later comment with respect to Policy ID1 related to infrastructure provision.



Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

SKPR-278 (GR3-H1): Spitalgate Heath - Garden Village (Mixed Use Allocation)

Representation ID: 2327

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

National Highways welcomes point a. of the policy which sets out that incremental full applications will not be accepted and that an Outline or Hybrid application will be necessary for the whole site. National Highways considers this will be necessary to identify the cumulative traffic and transport implications of the site and the highways infrastructure necessary to accommodate it.
With regards highway infrastructure, National Highways notes that part t. of this policy sets out that the site will contribute to the delivery of the Grantham Southern Relief Road which facilitates this development. It may be worth bearing in mind that this allocation is likely to put additional pressure on the A1/A52 Barrowby junction, and therefore highway infrastructure improvements to the A1/A52 may also be required.
Whilst we do not consider it necessary to explicitly reference improvements to the A1/A52 junction in this policy, we would suggest that the policy wording be amended to state ‘The development must contribute towards the delivery of the Grantham Southern Relief Road which facilitates this development…. and must contribute towards or deliver other off-site highways mitigation as identified through the Transport Assessment supporting the Outline planning application and as agreed with the relevant highway authorities.’



Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

SKPR-279 (GR3-H2): Rectory Farm (Phase 2)

Representation ID: 2328

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

Policy GR3-H2 sets out the requirements for Rectory Farm Phase 2 which is expected to deliver a total of 1150 homes across the Plan period.
In respect of Rectory Farm Phase 2, National Highways has previously been consulted on a planning application for 400 dwellings (planning reference S23/1023) for which we recommended planning conditions including the need for improvements to the A1/A52 junction.

We support the policy points for this allocation but would also welcome the inclusion of a policy point setting out the need for a masterplan which is based on an assessment of the transport impacts of the full allocation and has identified the infrastructure needed to deliver this allocation, the timings for this requirement, and how the necessary infrastructure will be secured/delivered.



Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

SKPR-65 (GR3-H4): Prince William of Gloucester Barracks (Mixed Use Allocation)

Representation ID: 2329

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

Policy GR3-H4 sets out the requirements for the Prince William of Gloucester Barracks mixed use site which is expected to deliver 3,500 – 4,000 homes (approx. 1,745 homes and 8 hectares of employment across this Plan period).
In respect of this policy, we would welcome the inclusion of a policy point similar to point a. of GR3-H1 (Spitalgate Heath) which sets out that incremental full applications will not be accepted and that an Outline or Hybrid application will be necessary for the whole site. National Highways considers this will be necessary to identify the cumulative traffic and transport implications of the site and the highways infrastructure necessary to accommodate it. We welcome point b. of this policy which acknowledges that mitigation to the SRN may be required.



Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

SKPR-281 (STM1-H1): Stamford North

Representation ID: 2330

Received: 23/04/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

Policy STM1-H1 sets out the requirements for the Stamford North allocation which is expected to deliver 1350 homes across this Plan period. National Highways welcomes policy point a. which sets out that a high-level masterplan, supported by a detailed development brief, appropriate full transport assessment and phasing plan, is required for the entire site (to include for the land extending into Quarry Farm, Rutland with an additional capacity of 650 dwellings).
National Highways also welcomes point l. of this policy which sets out that the development should provide appropriate mitigation to the SRN. Reference to Highways England should however be replaced with National Highways.


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