Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

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Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

Employment Growth and Prosperity

Representation ID: 1333

Received: 25/04/2024

Respondent: Caddick Developments

Agent: Boyer Planning

Representation Summary:

Given that the update to this Economic Development Strategy has not yet been published, we consider that it may provide a more reflective update on the opportunities across the District. Therefore, we consider that the Council should take the strategy into account during further stages of the plan preparation process to ensure the Local Plan in relation employment provision remains sound and informed by the most up to date evidence.

We consider the proposed allocation of our Client’s site at Land south of Gonerby Lane, Gonerby Moor (SKPR-100) would help to meet the aims of the updated strategy by enabling the continued drive of economic growth and helping to deliver the economic vision of the District for future years to come.

The proposed allocation of our Client’s site at Land South of Gonerby Lane, Gonerby Moor would accord with and support the aims and objectives of the Greater Lincolnshire LEP’s Strategic Economic Plan. Delivering new highly skilled jobs and investment into the site would support South Kesteven’s role within Lincolnshire as a place for sustainable economic growth.


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