Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

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Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

Policy E2 - Other Employment Sites

Representation ID: 818

Received: 22/04/2024

Respondent: Rutland County Council

Representation Summary:

Object to the proposal to de-allocate 10 ha of employment land at Exeter Fields and allocate a single small employment site in Stamford, which does not have any of the advantages of Exeter Fields (EMP3 of the adopted plan) including easy access and road frontage visibility to the strategic highways network.

This approach will fail to meet the economic development and job growth needs of the town as it grows, resulting in both an increase in out-commuting as residents access work outside the town and a potential increase in heavy vehicle movements through the historic town centre.


Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

SKPR-266 – Stamford Gateway (Exeter Fields)

Representation ID: 819

Received: 22/04/2024

Respondent: Rutland County Council

Representation Summary:

Object to the loss of 10 ha Strategic Employment allocation at Exeter Fields now proposed for housing development. RCC believes this will have a detrimental impact on employment land supply in the south-western part of South Kesteven and will also impact on employment land supply and travel patterns in Rutland.

It is further noted that the effect of this change is to reduce the overall supply of employment land in Stamford with no additional alternative land allocated for new employment development to make up for the 10 ha which will be lost.


Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

SKPR-281 (STM1-H1): Stamford North

Representation ID: 820

Received: 22/04/2024

Respondent: Rutland County Council

Representation Summary:

RCC supports the allocation of Stamford North for 1350 homes as part of a wider Stamford north development including land at Quarry Farm in Rutland, and specifically supports the requirement for “a high level masterplan, supported by a detailed development brief, appropriate full transport assessment and phasing plan, for the entire site (including Quarry Farm in Rutland)”.

RCC request that the policy is amended to include a preference for the site to be considered through a single planning application (whilst recognizing that there are already 2 separate undetermined planning applications submitted for the whole site with each authority).


Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

H1: Housing AllocationsThe

Representation ID: 821

Received: 22/04/2024

Respondent: Rutland County Council

Representation Summary:

RCC objects to the loss of 10 ha Strategic Employment allocation at Exeter Fields which is proposed for housing development. The change in allocation from employment uses will have a detrimental impact on employment land supply in the south-western part of South Kesteven and will impact on employment land supply and travel patterns in Rutland.

Duty to co-operate, cross-boundary discussions regarding the joint allocation of land at Stamford North have been predicated upon the assumption that 10 ha of high quality employment land would be provided at Exeter Fields, so that Stamford North would not need to include employment land.


Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

H1: Housing AllocationsThe

Representation ID: 822

Received: 22/04/2024

Respondent: Rutland County Council

Representation Summary:

RCC supports the allocation of Stamford North for 1350 homes as part of a wider Stamford north development which would include land at Quarry Farm (also known as Monarch Park) in Rutland.

The council supports the need for this development to be undertaken in a comprehensive manner and therefore supports the requirement of policy SKPR-281 (STM1-H1) for “a high level masterplan, supported by a detailed development brief, appropriate full transport assessment and phasing plan, for the entire site (including Quarry Farm in Rutland)”.

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