Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
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Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
ID3: Broadband and Communications Infrastructure
Representation ID: 1374
Received: 25/04/2024
Respondent: Wates Developments
Agent: Boyer Planning
Policy ID3: Broadband and Communications Infrastructure is intended to ensure that broadband connectivity in South Kesteven can meet the vital needs of all over the plan period. It is reasonable to identify this as a key policy consideration as all sectors of the community, both residents and businesses rely more than ever on access to broadband and communications networks. We are concerned however, that the policy and supporting text only focuses on what a developer is required to integrate into their development and fails to hold the communications providers to account for the overall network. The requirement to “future proof” is understood but this needs to be considered further to reflect that across South Kesteven the overall network will be mixed with some locations benefiting from greater connections than others, reflecting the urban and rural communities.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
SP1: Spatial Strategy
Representation ID: 1378
Received: 25/04/2024
Respondent: Wates Developments
Agent: Boyer Planning
Policy SP1 and the supporting text outline that the Local Plan is to deliver sustainable growth across the District during the plan period. We are broadly supportive of the approach to propose development across the District in locations which are suitable and sustainable but also provide a variety of opportunities across the plan area. This approach will allow for greater certainty that the needs of the District can be met in a positive and robust manner that takes into account any unforeseen changes over the plan period.
Policy SP1 is clear that the Council is using the Standard Method for identifying housing need as the starting point for the plan which we support and are not aware of any justified and objective evidence which suggests a lower figure should be used.
We are also pleased to see that Policy SP1 identifies the role of Grantham as a sub-regional centre, three market towns and larger villages as all being capable of supporting growth and development over the plan period to meet the identified needs. Identifying and then implementing a strategy which spreads the growth around the higher order settlements across the District is positive and will enable local communities, service providers and the development industry to work together in a collaborative manner to bring forward the right sites at the right times in the right locations
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
SP2: Settlement HierarchyIn
Representation ID: 1379
Received: 25/04/2024
Respondent: Wates Developments
Agent: Boyer Planning
Within Appendix 2 of the Settlement Hierarchy Assessment, Baston receives a total of 39 points, resulting in being 13th out of over 120 settlements which were being scored across the district. Following our assessment of Baston, this score should be increased to 48 through an additional 3 points for the place of worship (St John Church), a further 3 points for a second primary education facility (Kirkstone House School) as well as an additional 3 points for the presence of secondary education in the village (Kirkstone House School). This would raise the position of Baston to being ranked 5th of the villages within the district.
We agree with the overall methodology taken towards the large villages in South Kesteven, and the identification of Baston as a larger village in the district that is sustainable for future growth. However, the assessment should be updated to incorporate the additional facilities and services in Baston, which will see the village rank 5th in regard to services and sustainability of the settlements in the district. Where this is recognised, it would further justify the whole sites allocation, whilst bringing forward further benefits.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
Delivering New Homes
Representation ID: 1380
Received: 25/04/2024
Respondent: Wates Developments
Agent: Boyer Planning
It is pleasing to see the Council have used the Government’s Standard Method in calculating
the need for housing from 2021 to 2041. Using the Standard Method, this results in a need for
14,020 dwellings within the current Plan Period (2021-2041) and 701 dwellings per annum.
It is unknown if the lack of previous delivery has been taken into consideration in preparation of the trajectory, or if constraints to development have been accounted for.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
H2: Affordable Housing Contributions
Representation ID: 1381
Received: 25/04/2024
Respondent: Wates Developments
Agent: Boyer Planning
Unsure why the emerging policy has not reflected this evidence base at this stage. we are concerned that policy H2 does not accurately reflect the evidence that has been prepared. With an up to date evidence base document, the Council have not taken the opportunity to engage constructively through this consultation. It is unclear how the standards included within the policy, such as “make provision for 27-57%” have been reached when the viability evidence has tested 30% provision predominately but also tested a range from 0% to 40%. We are also unclear as to how the Council has identified the range (27-57%) in the first part of the policy but then have fixed requirements in relation to the mix of affordable housing provided on site with reference in criteria a to 25% as First Homes and in criteria b including 60% as rent and 40% as affordable ownership.