Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

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Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

The issue for South Kesteven

Representation ID: 1351

Received: 25/04/2024

Respondent: McCarthy Stone

Agent: Miss Natasha Styles

Representation Summary:

Whilst we welcome that the council recognises the ministerial statement we would advise that any future policy should be ‘stepped’ in line with Government targets and the proposed changes to the building regulations. This approach is confirmed within the Ministerial Statement (statement no : Statement UIN HCWS123 available from Written statements - Written questions, answers and statements - UK Parliament) released on 13th December 2023.


Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

H2: Affordable Housing Contributions

Representation ID: 1356

Received: 25/04/2024

Respondent: McCarthy Stone

Agent: Miss Natasha Styles

Representation Summary:

The council should set a separate affordable housing rate for specialist housing for older people to be consistent with the Viability Assessment as follows:

Grantham and wider
• Sheltered flats brownfield and greenfield 0%
• Extra-care flats brownfield and greenfield 0%
• Sheltered flats greenfield and brownfield 10%
• Extra-care flats greenfield 10%
• Extra-care flats brownfield 0%

W also have some concerns with regard to some of the assumptions that have been used in the Viability Assessment. If amended would make sheltered and extra-care housing less viable than the Viability Assessment already shows.


Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

H4: Meeting All Housing Needs

Representation ID: 1372

Received: 25/04/2024

Respondent: McCarthy Stone

Agent: Miss Natasha Styles

Representation Summary:

Projections show a large increase in the population over the age of 65. For this reason and the requirements of the PPG, the Council should ensure older people's housing, including sheltered housing, extra-care housing and care homes are addressed and that it is not confused with conventional housing, wheelchair housing, or other specialised housing.

The plan is currently vague with respect to delivery of older people's housing. This approach ignores the benefits that such housing brings to its residents and reduces the housing options that should be provided for older people. We have recommended a policy within our representation.

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