Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
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Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
2041 Vision for South Kesteven
Representation ID: 1505
Received: 17/04/2024
Respondent: National Trust
The general vision and aspiration for South Kesteven is noted, including positive recognition of the area’s character and unique local heritage. Also, acknowledging the wider challenges presented by climate change and the general need for sustainable urban and rural communities.
In relation to Grantham, the vision states ‘there will be further significant residential development to the north and north-west of the town.’ In acknowledgement of existing northward residential development and proposed allocations, the wording could be softened to the effect of ‘further appropriately planned and sustainable residential development.’ This is to recognise, amongst other matters, the significance and setting of Belton House and Park which is given policy recognition in other areas of the Local Plan
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
Renewable Energy
Representation ID: 1506
Received: 17/04/2024
Respondent: National Trust
The positive principles of this policy area and greater emphasis on climate change are recognised and welcomed by the National Trust.
It is apparent that relevant policies will be informed by an emerging Climate Change Study commissioned by South Kesteven District Council. This is intended to be supported by further consultation at the Regulation 19 stage of the Local Plan.
Given the importance of climate change as a policy area an additional, and supplementary, consultation on this matter would be considered beneficial. This would allow for full stakeholder review before the narrower parameters of a Regulation 19 consultation.
Particularly where the detail of policies may be subject to significant change in the meantime.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
H1: Housing AllocationsThe
Representation ID: 1507
Received: 17/04/2024
Respondent: National Trust
Whilst it is accepted that Local Plans should be read as a whole, the proposed allocations are not currently supported by policy wording signposting specific, detailed, allocation policies later in the document. This may be helpful to assure an effective thread within the Local Plan.
It is also noted that wider, minimum requirements for employment allocations, for example in Policy E2: Employment Sites, are included in policy wording. A similar approach could be considered in relation to housing allocations to help assure sustainable and holistic development.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
NEW POLICY 4: Biodiversity Opportunity and Delivering Measurable Net Gains
Representation ID: 1508
Received: 17/04/2024
Respondent: National Trust
This positive new area of policy is noted, which acts to reinforce locally the relevant requirements for Biodiversity Net Gain.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
EN6: The Historic Environment
Representation ID: 1509
Received: 17/04/2024
Respondent: National Trust
The introduction of thematic sections for distinct heritage asset types is noted. This supports clarity and allows for an appropriate level of detail. Links back to the National Planning Policy Framework are also helpful here. In relation to this, the draft text relating to public benefit in the context of harm, could align more precisely with national policy wording.
The requirements for Hertiage Impact Assessments are noted. Also, the clear reference to heritage asset setting, which contributes to significance, as a criterion in relevant assessments is welcomed
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
DE1: Promoting Good Quality Design
Representation ID: 1510
Received: 17/04/2024
Respondent: National Trust
The positive principles of this policy are noted, which acts to reinforce the principles of good design across the built environment. This is with an appropriate appreciation of local context, identity and character as guiding principles. It is hoped that this policy area helps support sustainable and holistic development
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
GR1: Protecting and Enhancing the Setting of Belton House and Park
Representation ID: 1511
Received: 17/04/2024
Respondent: National Trust
The retention of this policy in the draft Local Plan is supported by the National Trust, noting that no amends are proposed.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
Chapter 5 – Climate Change and Energy
Representation ID: 1517
Received: 17/04/2024
Respondent: National Trust
The positive principles of this policy area and greater emphasis on climate change are recognised and welcomed by the National Trust.
It is apparent that relevant policies will be informed by an emerging Climate Change Study commissioned by South Kesteven District Council. This is intended to be supported by further consultation at the Regulation 19 stage of the Local Plan.
Given the importance of climate change as a policy area an additional, and supplementary, consultation on this matter would be considered beneficial. This would allow for full stakeholder review before the narrower parameters of a Regulation 19 consultation.
Particularly where the detail of policies may be subject to significant change in the meantime.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
SKPR-65 (GR3-H4): Prince William of Gloucester Barracks (Mixed Use Allocation)
Representation ID: 1518
Received: 17/04/2024
Respondent: National Trust
Whilst comments are offered on some areas of allocation policy wording. The National Trust is currently neither for nor against these specific proposed allocations in principle. It is acknowledged It is noted that this strategic mixed-use allocation will come forward through a comprehensive, masterplanned approach. A range of supporting criteria is detailed in policy wording. Northern areas of this proposed allocation may relate to the setting of Belton.Therefore, in the supporting evidence criteria (i-vi) we request that wording is included, perhaps in relation to criteria iv, to the effect of: ‘Response to the locality’s historic environment and external heritage assets (including Belton House and Registered Park and Garden), incorporating an integrated assessment of their significance and related setting.’ Also, words the effect of:
‘The development proposal must take into account the Belton House Park Setting Study in Policy GR1’. This aligns with proposed allocation SKPR-57 and allows for full consideration of Belton’s setting at the masterplanning stage. We would also welcome refence to the avoidance of tall buildings, appropriate massing, and the use of landscape buffers (including to the north of the site)/green infrastructure to help break up potential development bulk.
Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
SKPR-268 – Land at Train Station – Mixed Use Allocation
Representation ID: 1519
Received: 17/04/2024
Respondent: National Trust
Whilst comments are offered on some areas of allocation policy wording. The National Trust is currently neither for nor against these specific proposed allocations in principle. The requirement for a comprehensive masterplan and consideration of heritage assets is noted.
Given the possibility for buildings of height, including a multistorey car park, further guidance around height parameters and location within the site could be included to help mitigate harm to proximate heritage assets. The position of Grantham House is also considered here