Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
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Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan
SKPR-57 – Land off Belton Lane
Representation ID: 1520
Received: 17/04/2024
Respondent: National Trust
Whilst comments are offered on some areas of allocation policy wording. The National Trust is currently neither for nor against these specific proposed allocations in principle. The requirement for a comprehensive masterplanned approach is noted. This is alongside specific regard for landscape and topography, including consideration of contour arrangements. This proposed allocation is likely to relate to the setting of Belton. With potential views from the roof of Belton House, Bellmount Tower’s viewing platform and key approaches. In particular, Bellmount Tower offers panoramic views to the west
Criteria (h) is welcomed in principle, clearly accounting for Belton’s relevant heritage assets and their setting. However, the criteria states ‘specifically the development should incorporate views towards heritage assets.’ This requirement is slightly unclear, perhaps not accounting fully for return views. As with suggestions for proposed allocation SKPR-65 (GR3-H4) alternative wording could be used to the effect of: ‘Response to the locality’s historic environment and external heritage assets (including Bellmount Tower, Belton House and Registered Park and Garden, St Wulfram’s Church and St Johns Church), incorporating an integrated assessment of their significance and related setting.’ Criteria (i) is welcomed. The Belton House and Park Setting Study underlines a possible sensitivity to tall or bulky development in this area, accounting for the long views available. In light of this the document states that relevant development should be no more than two stories in height. Therefore, we request refence in policy wording to a two storey building height limit, appropriate massing, recessive materials and the use of landscape buffers (including to the east of the site)/green infrastructure. This is to help break up potential development bulk and help to mitigate potential long views of the proposed site in relation to Belton.