Ropsley Conservation Area Appraisal

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Ropsley Conservation Area Appraisal

Ropsley Conservation Area Appraisal

Representation ID: 2628

Received: 21/01/2025

Respondent: South Kesteven District Councillor

Representation Summary:

Some confusion about which Ropsley Rectory, as there has been several in Ropsley, but the original Rectory is on the High Street, although the private bungalow on School Lane was also once lived in by the local Rector.
Please can you confirm why these boundaries have changed and the choice of the boundary changes and confirmation of which Ropsley Rectory?
Concerned regarding potential restrictions on building a garage/carport within the conservation area.
Nos 2&4 School Lane misleadingly named, it is 2-4 School Lane, also 'Honeypot Cottage'

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